Organisations We Work With
- Marninwarntikura Fitzroy Women's Resource Centre - Fitzroy Crossing, WA (various projects)
- MOYCH (Swamp) Aboriginal Corporation - Uralla, NSW - governance support, planning and national community housing registration readiness support
- Waminda South Coast Women's Health and Welfare Aboriginal Corporation, Nowra, NSW - various projects, including program co-design, organisational development, strategic and business planning
- Karitane - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
- Beyond Blue - Coaching; Chairing of First Nations Advisory Group
- NOUS Group - Coaching in NSW Public Service Commission's Leadership Academy
- Aboriginal Corporation Drug and Alcohol Network (NSW) - Strategic and Operational Planning and policy development
- Aboriginal Community Housing Ltd - Support to establish Kempsey Hub Alcohol and Drug Program, including development of policies and procedures, protocols, and a Model of Care plan
- NIAA - coaching
Some examples of past projects
Consultation and Engagement
- Australian Bureau of Statistics - Stakeholder Workshop facilitation
- Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources - Facilitation of workshops and report on outcomes for the Review of Diversity in STEM; First Nations engagement, workshop design and facilitation - Prime Minister's Prize for Science
- NSW Family and Community Services - A community consultation on the ageing needs of older Aboriginal people living in Kempsey, NSW
- Durri AMS, Kempsey NSW - A community consultation on the health service needs of Aboriginal people living in the Nambucca Valley
- Australian Government Department of The Prime Minister and Cabinet - A consultation with the social and emotional wellbeing sector
- NSW Family and Community Services - on the Kempsey Place Plan
- Aboriginal Housing Company, Redfern NSW - Readiness for National Registration
- New Horizons, NSW - Supporting and Securing Tenancies, Cultural Safety and Security Project
- Many Rivers Aboriginal Housing Regional Services, Coffs Harbour NSW - Planning and readiness for registration
Organisational development and change management
- People Measures, Melbourne, Vic - Coaching in Barring Djinang Aboriginal Career Development Program (Victorian Public Service) and workshops for the NIAA on Breakthrough Conversations, Building Collaboration and Trust, and Communicating with Confidence
- LKB Agency - National Bowel Cancer Screening Program - Roadshow
- NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group - governance and constitution training
- Australian Bureau of Statistics - Cultural Competency Framework
- New Horizons, NSW - Cultural Awareness Education
- Rhodanthe Lipsett Indigenous Midwifery Charitable Trust- Governance training
- Beyond Blue - provided advice on and supported the establishment of the core pillars of Beyond Blue's Reconciliation Action Plan, including development of a Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
- Aboriginal Housing Company, Redfern NSW - Governance training
- Australian Graduate School of Management - Coaching in Services Australia's Aspiring Program
- Yerin Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Health Service, Wyong NSW - Governance training
- Aboriginal Housing Office, NSW - Client Experience Initiative
- Red Cross Australia - Support to strengthen a place based initiative in Kempsey, NSW
- AIATSIS - A range of change management related projects as well as work in the area of Indigenous family history
- Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning Research Unit, University of Technology, NSW - Development of a new individual work and learning system
- Canberra Institute of Technology, ACT - Innovate RAP, Cultural Protocols document, and Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Framework
- Australian Bureau of Statistics - Innovate RAP
- Australian Council for Educational Research - Reflect RAP
- Rhodanthe Lipsett Indigenous Midwifery Charitable Trust- Operational planning
- Karitane - Reflect RAP
- Gudjagang Ngara Ii-dhi Aboriginal Corporation, Wyong, NSW - Strategic Plan review
- Tresillian - Reflect RAP
- Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation, NSW - Organisational capacity building, support to develop a museum and healing centre, planning and evaluation
- People Measures - Reflect RAP
- Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre, ACT - Strategic planning
- The Australian Centre for Indigenous Knowledges and Education (ACIKE), NT - Planning
- The Healing Foundation, ACT - Strategic planning
- Gunida Gunyah Aboriginal Corporation, Gunnedah NSW - Planning
- Australian Physiotherapists Association - Cultural Capability Review
- Beyond Blue - Review and provision of advice on recruitment, retention and cultural safety across the organisation
- Australian Bureau of Statistics - Review of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
- Aboriginal Hostels Ltd - Small grants program review
- World Vision Australia, Pilbara, WA - Meta review of an innovative leadership program
- Australian Government Department of Family, Communities, Housing and Indigenous Affairs - Review of a peak body from the disability sector
- ANZSOG - Member of Expert Advisory Group, NIAA Priority Reforms Measurement Project
- Cancer Australia - Cultural Protocols and Terminology document for employees
- City of Sydney - Connect Sydney Program: training workshops for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations (Board Development, Governance, Grant Writing and Fundraising)
- NSW Family and Community Services - Aboriginal Evidence Building Pilot with Rekindling the Spirit, Lismore NSW