Our Values and Guiding Principles
Our Values
These values are important beliefs and ideals which underpin the philosophy of the Burbangana Group and inform everything that we do.
We value:
- The wisdom, richness, diversity and resilience of First Nations peoples and cultures.
- The right of First Nations peoples and organisations to be self-determining.
- Respect for people by treating everyone with dignity and professionalism.
- Integrity, by building trust through responsible actions and honest relationships.
- Innovation through thoughtful, creative, and inspirational ideas.
Guiding Principles
We use these principles as touchstones to help guide our decisions about who we work with, the work that we do and how we do it.
Our Work Is:
- consistent with our values and strengths and is evidence informed
- considered, with enough time for the work to be done well and be financially viable
- informed by a capacity-building, continuous improvement and learning organisation approach
- both trauma informed and healing aware
- consistent with the AIATSIS Guidelines for Ethical Research for Australian Indigenous Studies
- work in partnership with our clients
- give back when we can through pro-bono contributions